Carnahan High School Of The Future (CHSOF)

Public Choice Magnet | Grades: 9-12
4041 S Broadway , St. Louis, MO 63118

This school is wheelchair accessible

About this school


Carnahan High School of the Future is a technology-integrated school that graduates self-sufficient students who thrive in the 21st century.

Quick Fact 1

School was named in honor of the late Governor Mel Carnahan.

Quick Fact 2

Carnahan High School of the Future was originally a bus transport center before becoming a school.

Quick Fact 3

Carnahan High School of the Future started off as a middle school in 2005

Key Upcoming Dates

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3 Average 3 Average

Student Learning

3 Average 1 Way Below Average

Safety & Climate

3 Average 2 Below Average

Teacher Profile