
Kinder-readiness starts earlier than most parents and caregivers prepare for. Over the last 3 years, we’ve
found that even the most knowledgable parents, and early childhood center leaders alike, do not have a
grasp of all the information and resources needed to properly prepare a student for their first major
educational transition. Through partnerships with YWCA Head Start and over 20 independent centers, we
have developed a plan to ensure that every family and ECE center is prepared for their first application and
enrollment process. To continue providing these services free of charge, and to ensure a wide and lasting impact, we are asking for your support!

Choose from one of these levels, or customize your gift amount:

  • Navigator: $877 – Provide one ECE center with full service Kinder Readiness support for one month
  • Ambassador: $438 – Provides support for six individual families for one month
  • Influencer: $146 – Provides support for two individual families for one month
  • Friend: $73 – Provides support for one individual family for one month