Finding the Right School For Your Child

The process of finding the right school can be overwhelming. These resources are designed to help you navigate that process from beginning to end.

A family that will be using the Nav STL Resources section to help find a good school.

Determining School Priorities

Finding the right school for your child starts by determining what’s important to you and what unique needs your child may have.

Enrollment & Applications

Learn how different school types handle enrollment as well as the important deadlines to keep in mind throughout the year.

Researching Schools

Learn about the different types of schools available and how to build a school search that takes into account your ideal school profile.

Visiting Schools

Learn about the different types of school visits available, and learn how to evaluate what you’ve seen on your school visit.

Education Adjacent Resources

Advocating for Your Child

Many different types of learning styles exist in children and a variety of tests exist to measure what they’ve learned. These resources will help you understand how to ask for what your child needs in any school environment.

Specific Services

Standardized Learning Assessments

Key Terms & Definitions