Choosing An Elementary School

Learn the basics about Elementary Schools, the learning focus, and what questions to consider when choosing a school.

Kids playing can help you with choosing an elementary school.

Elementary schools typically cover kindergarten through fifth grade. Some elementary schools may contain early childhood education classrooms of pre-kindergarten for 3-year-olds (Pre-K 3) and pre-k for 4-year-olds (Pre-K 4).

Missouri law requires all children to start school once they turn 7 years old and allows children to start kindergarten if they have turned 5 by August 1st of the current school year.

Elementary school prepares students for the rest of their educational journey and helps them develop a positive love of learning. During early elementary school, there is a significant focus on learning to read, which prepares children to learn about other subjects through reading. This is the difference between learning to read and reading to learn. During these critical years, you need to provide opportunities for your child to practice reading at home and develop reading habits, which set the stage for further growth in school.

Questions To Consider When Choosing An Elementary School

  • How often do students get to do ‘specials’ like music, gym, art, and library?
  • What reading program do they use?
  • How do they assess students and organize classrooms?
  • What is their recess policy?
  • What field trip opportunities are there?
  • What community organizations do they partner with as a school?

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