Froebel Literacy Elementary School

Public District | Grades: PK-5
3709 Nebraska Avenue , St. Louis, MO 63118

This school is wheelchair accessible

About this school


The mission of Froebel Literacy Academy is to inspire students to achieve and take ownership for their learning and behavior, embracing the belief that All children can learn.""

Quick Fact 1

Our school is named after Friedrich Froebel. He was a German educator, and is known as the father of kindergarten" because he is the founder of the kindergarten system."

Quick Fact 2

Froebel has a FB and IG account to help inform families and the community about academics and events.

Key Upcoming Dates

No key upcoming events found.


3 Average 3 Average

Student Learning

3 Average 1 Way Below Average

Safety & Climate

3 Average 2 Below Average

Teacher Profile